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A Year With The Wheel 2023
Our next A Year With The Wheel programme will begin just before Ostara 2023.
A Year With The Wheel is a 12 month programme, led by Rev Juanna Ladaga and Rev Jo Royle, for women who want to deepen their relationship with themselves, with others, and the rhythms of nature through ceremony, creativity and connection.
Come and join us on an outer and inner journey through the four fire festivals of Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice and the four quarter festivals of Beltaine, Lughnasadh, Samhain and Imbolc.
No previous knowledge of these festivals is necessary, we shall discover the richness of these gateways in the year together. All that is needed is a wish to deepen your personal connection with yourself, be curious about connection with others, and to have a sense of adventure!
You will also have access to 'the hub' - an online resource where in advance of each festival, you'll find information about it and what is happening in nature at that time of the year, accompanied by creative, nature, music and journalling invitations to help you dive into the festival experientially.
Is it sounding intriguing?
We will launch the programme at Ostara (and the sooner you sign up, the sooner you'll have the Ostara resources to explore!)
Our online ceremonies will be held 7-9.30pm on the following dates:
Ostara/Spring Equinox Saturday 18 March
Beltaine Saturday 29 April
Litha/Summer Solstice Saturday 17 June
Lughnasadh Saturday 29 July (possibly self directed)
Mabon/Autumn Equinox Saturday 16 September
Samhain Saturday 28 October
Yule/Winter Solstice Saturday 16 December
Imbolc Saturday 27 January 2024
There are two options for A Year With The Wheel 2023
Either commit to joining us on zoom for the ceremonies every 6-7 weeks, gathering in community as we stand at the threshold of the festival and cross it together... or...
Alternatively sign up for the self-directed programme and receive the audio recorded ceremonies you can playback at a time that suits you, participating individually.
Both options receive access to 'the hub' and an online discussion platform (Slack) to connect, share with and witness one another.
If “A Year With The Wheel” is calling to you, we'd LOVE for you to join us!
Join us for a Find Out More event... an opportunity to meet us, hear more information about the programme, but also to experience how we hold A Year With The Wheel events to really know if you're being called to be one of our Women of the Wheel in 2023...
The full programme with attendance at zoom ceremonies costs £360 for the year (£240 for the self directed option with audio recorded ceremonies).
Both options can be paid in three installments, £120 (£80 for the self directed) with the first payment on booking and the second and third by 7 April and 7 May 2023 respectively).
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