If you're hoping for a marriage it's unlikely as you need to submit paperwork at least 29 days before (there are some exceptions).
If it's a commitment ceremony (pre marriage)... a blessing ceremony (post marriage)... or a vow renewal... it depends!
It depends what I have in my diary and whether we can fit in what needs to be done in terms of preparation.
My preference is always to work with you for longer (usually 3-6 months) to help you explore your relationship to date and to vision your relationship into the future. I'm passionate about helping you as a couple come into conscious union... and that usually takes a wee bit more time.
Having said that I have created ceremonies in a week or so! I've had couples come to me who've been together for years... been talking about marriage for a while... are coming on holiday to Skye... and realise it's the perfect place to celebrate their union!
Fabulous photo by @pennyhardiephotography